Sun11Jan2015Kyneton Airfield
The Kyneton Aero Club and Zonta Club of Kyneton welcome you to Kyneton Airfield for a day of family fun to raise funds for the Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship.
- Vintage Aircraft and Cars on display
- Kyneton CFA Fire Engines
- Entertainment and activities for the kids
- Raffle to win a demonstration flight
- Coffee, cakes, sausage sizzle and cold drinks available.
Entry via gold coin donation.
Mon23Feb2015Kyneton Aero Club
We are proud to announce that we'll be hosting a guest appearance by Matt Hall from 7pm on Monday the 23rd of February 2015 where Matt will be talking about his role as QBE's Airmanship Ambassador and no doubt about his history in the Red Bull Air Race series and career as an Air Force fighter pilot.
The Aero Club will be putting on an informal dinner (either BBQ or Pizzas) prior to Matt's talk and to ensure there is sufficient food for everyone, RSVP's are required. If you are planning on attending, please RSVP to Warren Canning via email by Sunday the 22nd of February 2015.
Mon16Mar2015Kyneton Aero Club
Sat21Mar2015Kyneton Aero Club
The team from Avionics 2000 will be presenting an update on ADS-B rules and avionics from 11:00 followed by a BBQ lunch and inspection of one of their ADS-B fitted aircraft.
Sun19Apr2015Kyneton Airfield
Mon20Apr2015Kyneton Aero Club
Sat02May2015Kyneton Airfield
The Kyneton Aero Club is pleased to be hosting it's 6th Australia's Biggest Morning Tea in support of the Cancer Council. Everyone is welcome to join us for a cuppa and some treats via a donation to the Cancer Council.
Mon18May2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon15Jun2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon20Jul2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon17Aug2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon21Sep2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon19Oct2015Kyneton Aero Club
Sun08Nov2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon16Nov2015Kyneton Aero Club
Mon23Nov2015Kyneton Aero Club
On Monday the 23rd November there will be a gathering of the Sporting Aircraft Association of Australia (Chapter 20) at the Kyneton Airfield to meet the Chief Executive officer of the SAAA Mr Peter John. An extended invitation has been passed on to members of the Kyneton Aero Club to attend giving us the opportunity to meet with local SAAA members and find out firsthand what is happening in the world of the SAAA.
There will be a BBQ starting at 6:30pm at the club rooms provided by the SAAA prior to the evenings presentation so if you are interested in attending then please forward and email to Rob Richards at:-
Sun13Dec2015Kyneton Aero Club
The Kyneton Aero Club welcomes members and their families to the annual Christmas Party being held from 12:00 on Sunday the 13th of December.