Event Information:
Mon15Oct20181830 - 2130Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
General Meeting and Presentation - LOC-I or Upset Prevention & Recovery Training
The Club's October General Meeting commences at 1830 on Monday the 15th.
Following the General Meeting, David Pilkington, a highly experienced Aeronautical Engineer, Aerobatic Competition and Display Pilot, and Flying Instructor will provide a presentation (1930 - 2130) on LOC-I:
Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains one of the most significant contributors to fatal accidents worldwide. LOC-I in the GA context refers to accidents where the PIC was unable to maintain control of the aircraft, resulting in an unrecoverable deviation from the intended flight path.
LOC-I is one of the most complex accident categories, involving numerous contributing factors that act individually or, more often, in combination.
Reducing this accident category is best achieved through understanding the causes and possible intervention strategies; in the GA training context this is referred to as Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). David’s talk will cover such topics as:
- stats - why UPRT is extremely important to us;
- from the NTSB safety roadshow at Oshkosh 2018 - with the FAA, UND, AOPA and Patty Wagstaff - the whole gamut of what the USA is doing, with a focus on pilot training per Patty;
- new from the FAA in 2017 is their revised Airplane Flying Handbook - Chapter 4 has been rewritten - formerly "Slow Flight, Stalls and Spins" - it is now "Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training";
- application in CPL flight training - CAE Oxford's UPRT course;
- CASA's Part 61 RPL syllabus and the CASA Flight Instructor Manual- slow flight, stalls and incipient spins;
- what new pilots can do to top up their basic training; and
- what other pilots can do to enhance their skills - perhaps as part of a Flight Review.
As usual, guests are very welcome; the Presentation will be followed by a light supper.