Mon16Jan2017Kyneton Aero Club
Monthly meeting of the Kyneton Aero Club. All members are welcome.
Tue17Jan2017Kyneton Aero Club
KAC & ROTARY - Planning meeting for assigned members to discuss the up coming Kyneton Air Show 23rd April
Mon20Feb2017Kyneton Aero Club
Mon20Mar2017Kyneotn Aero Club
Working Bees will be held Sunday 26 March and Sunday 09 April to ensure the Airfield and Infrastructure is all in the best possible condition and clearly shows the Macedon Ranges community why the Council should continue with the current model, whereby the Kyneton Aero Club is responsible for the management and maintenance of the Airfield. By holding 2 Working Bees a couple of weeks apart we are hoping to maximize the number of Members that can attend and help out. A week before each Working Bee we will issue a list of those tasks to be undertaken, so that Members can ensure they bring along appropriate tools/equipment and protective gear.
Sat01Apr2017Kyneton Aero Club
Kyneton Aero Club - "Hot Dog" Fly-In
Everyone is invited to come along for a "Hot Dog" at the Kyneton Aero Club. Both "Gourmet Dog's" and drinks will be available for sale so make a day of it to come along and meet fellow aviators, enthusiasts or catch up with friends. Hot Dog's being served between "12 - 1" pm so don't be late!!
All profits raised from this event will be going into supporting the Neuroscience Foundation.
Working Bees will be held Sunday 26 March and Sunday 09 April to ensure the Airfield and Infrastructure is all in the best possible condition and clearly shows the Macedon Ranges community why the Council should continue with the current model, whereby the Kyneton Aero Club is responsible for the management and maintenance of the Airfield. By holding 2 Working Bees a couple of weeks apart we are hoping to maximize the number of Members that can attend and help out. A week before each Working Bee we will issue a list of those tasks to be undertaken, so that Members can ensure they bring along appropriate tools/equipment and protective gear.
Mon17Apr2017Kyneton Aero Club
Monthly meeting of the Kyneton Aero Clubhas been cancelled to allow us additional time to cover off on details and planning for the Kyneton Air Show on the 23rd April
2017 Kyneton Air Show –‘Spread Your Wings’
April 2017 will see the Kyneton Aero Club in conjunction with Rotary will be hosting a local event, specifically a community air show on Sunday the 23rd of April. Supported by the Rotary Club of Kyneton, the Rotary Club of Woodend and Macedon Ranges Shire Council this promises to be a great day out for the family.
Tickets can be purchased online via
Ticket prices are:
Adults: $25
Family (2 Adults & 2 Children under 16): $60
Student (Children between ages 5 and 16): $10
Senior/Pensioner/Concession: $20
Children under 5: FreeGates open to the public at 8:30AM with flying displays commencing from 10:30AM. Flying displays will include vintage and rare aircraft and a visit by the RAAF Roulettes. There will also be entertainment for children, a vintage car display and lots of vendors with great food.
The theme for this air show is ‘Spread Your Wings’ and there will be information on site about careers in aviation.
This is a significant event for the Kyneton Aero Club the Macedon Ranges and for the history of aviation in Australia.
People from all over Australia will be visiting the Macedon Ranges and joining with the locals for this fun day of family entertainment and celebration.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact (David or Gaeleen) at 0407681474 / 0411408252
Sat13May2017Kyneton Aero Club
In support of the Cancer Council of Victoria, Kyneton Aero Club is again hosting “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea” at Kyneton Airfield.
Dozens of local and visiting aircraft will be on display including many vintage and historic aircraft.
Tea, coffee, sweet and savoury snacks will be served in the Aero Club hangar from 10am Saturday 13th of May at Kyneton Airfield. All we ask is that you make a donation to the Cancer Council.
For more information, contact:
Steve Edmonds - 0409 256 516
Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road
10am Saturday 7th of May 2016 -
Mon15May2017Kyneton Aero Club
Mon19Jun2017Kyneton Aero Club
Mon17Jul2017Kyneton Aero Club
Mon21Aug2017Kyneton Aero Club
Mon18Sep2017Kyneton Aero Club
“Flying the Hump one Last Time”- DC3 to China
Douglas C-47 Skytrain Buzz Buggy made a commemorative flight from Bathurst to Guilin in China, crossing "The Hump" as it recreates the many supply flights the C-47s made from Burma to Kunming during WWII. Hear from club member "Alan Searle" who was part of the team that made this adventure happen.
Mon16Oct2017Kyneton Aero Club
Sun19Nov2017Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metaclafe Rd Kyneton 3444
Following on from the Kyneton Aero Club being announced as the Australia Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society and the Australian Flying magazine 2017 Aero Club of the Year, the Club will be hosting a Kyneton Airfield Community Open Day on Sunday 19 November to celebrate this major achievement.
The Kyneton Airfield Community Open Day will be held from 1100 to 1400 on Sunday 19 November; with the Royal Aeronautical Society officially making the Award presentation at 12:30.
Other Community Groups will also be in attendance, including the Rotary Clubs of Kyneton and Woodend in recognition of the significant team effort that went into the highly successful 2017 Kyneton Rotary Airshow, Scouts and the Kyneton CFA, who will be raffling a Trial Instructional Flight donated to them by the Aero Club so they can raise funds for their extremely important work protecting the Community.
Enjoy a free Sausage Sizzle, along with numerous members' aircraft out on static display, a static display from the local Central Highlands Model Plane Society, a CFA display/fundraiser and plenty of Kyneton Aero Club Members on hand to talk to and show Macedon Ranges residents around the Airfield, and to discuss the vital work the Kyneton Aero Club does in maintaining his important community asset.
This is a great opportunity to bring the family along, enjoy a sausage, see some wonderful Flying Machines spanning over 75 years of aviation history, and get a better idea of what your airfield brings to the local community.
Sat09Dec2017Kyneton Aero Club