Mon21Jan2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Our first Meeting for 2019 will be held on the usual 3rd Monday of the Month at 1830; this will be a General Meeting only with no presentation, however, a light supper will be provided to allow for Member networking.
Sat02Feb2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”.
Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
$10 gets you:
• Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
• Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
• Cake
* Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton
All profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
RMH Neuroscience Foundation.
Mon18Feb2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Theo Willford is a private pilot and amateur aircraft builder from the U.K. who was involved in rebuilding a WWI Bristol Scout fighter. Starting with the original control stick, rudder bar and one magneto, and with a set of original factory drawings, Theo and his colleagues built a completely new but authentic reconstruction of a WWI Bristol Scout, right down to the Irish linen covering. KAC member, Frank Deeth, first met Theo approximately two years ago when he was visiting his daughter on the Mornington Peninsular. Not to be satisfied with the completion of the Bristol Scout, Theo is now building a Corby Starlet and through a mutual friend in the U.K. he looked Frank up during his last visit to talk, amongst all things aviation, Corby Starlets; naturally the Bristol Scout and Frank’s Spitfire projects came up as well. Since then Frank has had the privilege of catching up with Theo in the U.K. and getting an up close and personal look at the Bristol Scout based in the Shuttleworth Collection at Biggleswade near Duxford/Cambridge. Theo along with the two grandsons of an original Bristol Scout pilot take the aircraft on the road throughout the U.K. flying season to various flying and non-flying historical events to help educate the masses about the Bristol Scout and its role in WWI. Theo has kindly offered to give a talk at the Kyneton Aero Club on the building and flying of the Bristol Scout. A light supper will be provided following Theo's talk and, as usual, guests are most welcome.
Sat23Feb2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Sat02Mar2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Due to the Australian International Airshow (Avalon) public days being held Friday 01 - Sunday 03 March there will be no Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-in on Saturday 02 March, the Fly-ins will resume again on Saturday 06 April.
Mon18Mar2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Nigel Emms has kindly offered to share with KAC Members and Guests a film he came across some 20 years ago at a Car Boot sale in England of the Southern Cross first flight across the pacific with Charles Kingsford Smith and Charles Ulm etc in May 1928. The film, although silent, does have story boards explaining what is occurring during the filming sequences etc. The footage includes the preparations in San Francisco, and footage of the aircraft inflight, including being at the controls and in the back. There are also scenes of Hawaii and landing on the beach in Fiji loading fuel and the beach take-off, along with arrival into Queensland and the welcome there. A light supper will be served following the showing and as usual guests are most welcome.
Mon15Apr2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Club President, Warren Canning, will repeat his recent presentation to the Flight Test Society of Australia on the RAAF’s new Non-Intrusive Flight Test Instrumentation (NIFTI) system that he has been leading the development of, and which won the prestigious National Defence Innovation Award at the recent Australian International (Avalon) Airshow.
Guest are most welcome and a light Supper will follow Warren's presentation.
Sun28Apr2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Sat04May2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
The Kyneton Aero Club is extremely pleased to again be hosting a Cancer Council "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" Fly-in.
As in previous years there will be a large number of aircraft on display, including several classic and vintage types, and plenty of Tea, Coffee and Yummy Food.
We hope you will join us for a great family day out in support of this very worthwhile cause.
Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Due to our Cancer Council "Australia's Biggest Morning Tea" Fly-in this coming Saturday 04 May, we will not be holding our usual 1st Saturday of the Month Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-in, but you can still come along and enjoy some yummy food and contribute to a wonderful cause, 1000 - 1200 at YKTN.
Mon20May2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
The Kyneton Aero Club is again very pleased to jointly with CASA be hosting this year’s CASA AvSafety Seminar “Advancing pilot skills in a dynamic environment”. Dinner will be served at 1730; with the Seminar starting at 1830.
As usual Guest are most welcome, however, please remember both Members and Guests must Regsiter at:
Registration numbers are limited so get in early if you do not want to be disappointed.
Please email is you have special dietary requirements.
Sat01Jun2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our last "Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-in" before the Winter hiatus; following this June Fly-in we will start up again with our 1st Saturday of the Month events in September.
Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
$10 gets you:
• Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
• Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
• Cake
* Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations KynetonAll profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
RMH Neuroscience Foundation. -
Mon15Jul2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
James Fisher from Airservices Australia will present a short video showing some great ‘behind the scenes’ footage of how things operate from inside a typical Air Traffic Control Tower, discuss the sorts of things that ATC can do for you, and answer all of your questions about why ATC does things the way that they do.
As usual Guests are most welcome and a light supper will be served following James' presentation.
Sat07Sep2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for the resumption our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In” after the Winter hiatus.
Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
$10 gets you:
• Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
• Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
• Cake
* Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations KynetonAll profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
RMH Neuroscience Foundation. -
Mon16Sep2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Long time Kyneton Aero Club member, past President and current Membership Secretary, Adrian McClelland, will talk about his visits to a number of UK Aviation Museums, including photos from Duxford, Hendon and Yorkshire; along with information and videos on the Handley Page Halifax, which Adrian's father crewed in the European theatre in WWII.
As usual, guests are most welcome; Adrian's presentation will be followed by a light supper.
Sat05Oct2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”.
Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
$10 gets you:
• Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
• Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
• Cake
* Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton
All profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
RMH Neuroscience Foundation.
Sat19Oct2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
The Annual General Meeting of the Kyneton Aero Club Inc will be held at the Kyneton Airfield, 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444, commencing at 1030. All current Members of the Kyneton Aero Club are eligible and encouraged to attend.
Members are also invited to attend a BBQ lunch following the AGM, for catering purposes please advise if you will be attending to:
Mon21Oct2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Jetstar Pilot and Macedon Ranges local John Smart will talk about how professional Airline crews are trained and assessed in their Non-Technical Skills and Human Factors every year, and at every simulator session. Like airline pilots, Private and General Aviation pilots should always strive to be “professional” pilots, and as such should continually update their skills and knowledge.
In aviation accidents and incidents worldwide, 80% of these are caused in some way by human factors. John's talk will centre around 3 of the major non-technical skills all pilots should continually work on. These are Communication, Management and Situational Awareness. He will look into case studies where human Factors were contributing factors, look at some of the theory behind these skills, and put forward some “tools for the toolbox” that pilots can use not only in their flying lives, but in their personal lives as well.
As usual, guests are most welcome and John's presentation will be followed by a light supper.
Sat02Nov2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”.
Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
$10 gets you:
• Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
• Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
• Cake
* Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton
All profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
RMH Neuroscience Foundation.
Sun03Nov2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Our Spring Working Bee will be held on Sunday 03 November to ensure the Airfield is looking in top shape prior to our Australian Women Pilots' Association Victorian Branch Fly-in and Branch Meeting on Saturday 09 November.
This is a great opportunity to enjoy some comradery with fellow Club Members, a BBQ lunch, a reduction in Airfield Access Fees for those with a YKTN based aircraft, and to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the Airfield we all enjoy and take great pride in.
The Maintenance Sub-Committee is preparing a Task List that will be promulgated prior to the Working Bee to help determine what tools etc would be valuable for you to bring along on the day. -
Sat09Nov2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Interested in Aviation as a career, or maybe as a recreation, then come along to the Australian Women Pilots' Association - Women in Aviation Day at the Kyneton Airfield and hear from a number of pilots about their experiences and the exciting opportunities that are available in aviation. A BBQ lunch will be available from 1200 with proceeds going to the Kyneton Caring Community Foodbank; at 1330 following lunch the AWPA will provide a Presentation and Video to prospective Pilot Trainees and Career Teachers - all welcome.
Mon18Nov2019Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Join in with other KAC Members and Guests and learn the latest features and improvements that the team at AvPlan EFB have been bringing to the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) space. Make sure you bring your tablet device to follow along with the presentation and there’ll be plenty of time for questions, so feel free to ask!
As usual Guests are most welcome and a light supper will be served following the presentation.
Sat14Dec2019Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444