Sun21Feb2016YKTN - Kyneton Air Field
"SAAA Chapter 20, Kyneton District, invites Kyneton Aero Club members to a Sport Aircraft Fly-in and lunch time BBQ at KAC on Sunday, February 21st.
There will be a number of "Experimentals" on show , along with visiting SAAA members and the local Air Cadets. Starting around 11 AM, with lunch at 12:30, this should be a great opportunity for aviation fellowship.
Working Bees are held regularly at Kyneton Airfield as part of the clubs ongoing commitment to maintaining this critical peace of infrastructure for both the residents of the Macedon Shire's and the wider community. These activities allow member to get involved in seeing what it takes to maintain such a facility which allows them to meet and work for the day with other members. Some of the activities will be painting, spraying of weeds, mowing etc. Remember to get your endorsement on "Big Red" or "Little Red" our two mowers.. There will be a BBQ for all participants at around 1 pm.
So come along, "get involved", bring some basic tools along or just help out and meet other members!!
Aircraft owners please note. Participation is required on the day if you are to claim part dispensation on "Airfield Access Fee's" under our airfield access fee club policy.
Mon18Apr2016Kyneton Aero Club
General Committee Meeting - Meeting brought forward to 6pm due to CASA seminar
Kyneton Aero Club
Kyneton Aero Club is hosting another CASA Aviation Safety (AvSafety) Seminar “Lessons for Life” on Monday 18th April starting at 7pm. This 2 hour seminar is focused on providing education and safety awareness to a broad range of aviation industry participants and your support is both beneficial to CASA and to the Aviation Industry.
If you have any issues with registering then please contact CASA for assistance on 131 757
Sat07May2016Kyneton Aero Club
In support of the Cancer Council of Victoria, Kyneton Aero Club and the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia are again hosting “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea” at Kyneton Airfield.
Dozens of local and visiting aircraft will be on display including many vintage and historic aircraft.
Tea, coffee, sweet and savoury snacks will be served in the Aero Club hangar from 10am Saturday 7th of May at Kyneton Airfield. All we ask is that you make a donation to the Cancer Council.
For more information, contact:
Steve Edmonds - 0409 256 516
Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road
10am Saturday 7th of May 2016 -
Mon16May2016Kyneton Aero Club
OzRunways Master Class scheduled for next Monday at the Kyneton Aero club clubroom.
The master class with start at 5:30pm however it will commence at 5:45pm so please turn up early.
The early start time is necessary due to the heavy demand on OzRunways seminars, and also as the presenter will probably be flying in from Canberra!
We trust that there will be a good turnout despite the earlier start time.
Please remember to bring along a fully charged iPad to follow the presentation.
Kyneton Aero Club
One Six Right: The Romance of Flying is about the general aviation industry as seen through a local airport. Within a short period of time, it has achieved a passionate following and presence among pilots and aviation enthusiasts worldwide who see the film as being able to communicate their passion for aviation. Concurrently, the film has garnered both local and national political attention in the United States as an accurate depiction of general aviation and its important contributions to all aviation industries worldwide.
Kyneton Aero Club
Jesper Bronsvoort is a Senior Technical Research Specialist at AirServices Australia, Melbourne. Jesper started with AirServices in 2008 as an Aeronautical Engineer providing specialist aeronautical knowledge and data analysis support to the air traffic management strategic planning group, and supporting the development of future automation capability for Air Traffic Management (ATM) in Australia. Later, Jesper joined AirServices ATM Planning group and provided aeronautical and aircraft flight efficiency expertise in the development of a suite of strategic documents outlining AirServices roadmap towards Vision 2035 for ATM. He is currently part of AirServices Network Performance Analysis group and works on aircraft trajectory modelling, flight efficiency analysis and trajectory based operations research.
Jesper’s presentation will focus on the development of metrics and analysis tools to base-line the efficiency of the air traffic network in Australia, and to quantify benefit pools for improvements in air traffic management.
Sat17Sep2016Kyneton Air Field
Preparation Working Bee - Airshow
Cancelled until further notice
Kyneton Air Field
Sat08Oct2016Kyneton Air Field
Its clearly going to take an "army" of members and volunteers to assist us in cleaning up and preparing the air field for the up coming "Kyneton Airshow". The return of the spring rains has seen both the grass bouncing out of the ground and has also prevented us from carrying out any routine maintenance.
"And that's why we need you"!
Signup now for the Kyneton Aero Club Working Bee
October 8th & 9thWe have enlisted the services of the Kyneton & Woodend Rotary "Army" to help us fight the battle. Members who are able to help out please be ready to take action on the weekend by bringing basic hand tools, mowers, paint brushes, mowers, shovels, ride on mowers etc.
A BBQ lunch will be provided on both days by the club catering corp at the KAC mess for all troops.
Any issue or concerns then please contact the OIC officer in charge of YKTN maintenance Warren Canning at
"And together we will mow to victory"!!
Fri21Oct2016Kyneton Bowling Club
Kyneton Aero Club 50th Anniversary Dinner
"Tickets On Sale Now"!!
7:30 pm - 21st October 2016
Dinner & Presentations - $50 per head
Book now - Call the membership officer Adrian McClellan - Ph. 0408223888
Venue - Kyneton Bowling Club
Level 1 - 61-79 Mollison Street, Kyneton -
Sun23Oct2016Kyneton Airfield*** Postponement of the 2016 Kyneton Air Show ***The Kyneton Airshow Committee; comprising members from the Kyneton Aero Club and Rotary Clubs of Kyneton and Woodend, have had to make the regrettable decision to postpone the planned Kyneton Aero Club’s 50th Anniversary Airshow due to heavy and persistent Spring rainfall that has made the vast majority of the Kyneton Airfield unserviceable.This decision has not been made lightly, as the Committee is very much aware of the disruption that this may cause to vendors, participants and visitors. However, safety of all involved must, and always will, be our primary concern, and with the current condition of the Airfield surfaces, and also the areas required for parking and logistics support, we do not believe it is prudent to proceed with the 23 October date.The Airshow Committee is seeking to identify an alternate date, likely to be in the first half of 2017, when it can hold the Airshow without conflicting with other tourism events in the Macedon Ranges and/or other Aviation events around the State. Once a date is finalised we will be in touch with further advice about the plans for the event.
Sat05Nov2016Kyneton Aero Club
Annual General Meeting - 2016
This years annual general meeting has come around with light speed making us all wonder where the last 12 months has gone. Looking back through club minutes there has been a lot!! So its now time to take stock on what has been achieved and some of the challenges that have been undertaken and discuss.
This year will see the Secretary and Vice Presidents positions up for re election. Formal notices for nomination will be forwarded on to all members in the following week as well as the proposed changes to our articles of association. In particular the motion to the following:
- The reinstatement of categories for membership as per our previous constitution
- The limiting of general committee seats to 4
On the day there will be a lunch provided and a demonstration of the field by members of the Central Highlands Area Model Aircraft Society and a number of there model aircraft. We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Working Bees are held regularly at Kyneton Airfield as part of the clubs ongoing commitment to maintaining this critical peace of infrastructure for both the residents of the Macedon Shire's and the wider community. These activities allow member to get involved in seeing what it takes to maintain such a facility which allows them to meet and work for the day with other members. Some of the activities will be painting, spraying of weeds, mowing etc. Remember to get your endorsement on "Big Red" or "Little Red" our two mowers.. There will be a BBQ for all participants at around 1 pm.
So come along, "get involved", bring some basic tools along or just help out and meet other members!!
Aircraft owners please note. Participation is required on the day if you are to claim part dispensation on "Airfield Access Fee's" under our airfield access fee club policy.
While there will be no formal presentation the club committee meeting will be open to all members
Sat10Dec2016Kyneton Aero Club
Kyneton Aero Club will be closing the year off with a Christmas party for all members. This will be our final gathering to close of the year of our 50th birthday celebration.. So come along and catch up with your fellow members
Members of the Central Highlands Area Model Plane Society (CHAMPS), Sporting Aircraft Association of Australia (Chapter 20) and Maryborough Aero Club are all invited to attend.
To assist with catering please let us know if you will be attending by emailing -