
“Gourmet Hot Dog” fly-in!! First Saturday Each Month

Thinking of somewhere to go for a fly on a Saturday? Everyone is invited to come along for a “Gourmet Hot Dog” at the Kyneton Aero Club. Held on the first Saturday of each month (excluding June, July and August – just too cold).
Between 12 – 1 pm the members of the club will be selling “Gourmet Dogs”, Cake and drinks for those that wish to drop in.

So make a day of it and come along and meet fellow aviators, enthusiasts or catch up with friends.

All proceeds from this event are donated to the RMH Neuroscience Foundation.

Proudly sponsored by Agile Aviation Insurance

  • Sat

    With a very hot end to the week and Saturday 06 Jan forecast for 39C the Club has decided not to hold the usual first Saturday of the Month Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-in. Many members will want to stay home to be prepared for the fire risk; it may well be a day of Total Fire Ban, and the density altitude will make OPS more challenging, particularly for those not familiar with YKTN. Assuming more favourable weather we will recommence our Monthly Fly-in on Saturday 03 February.

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    Kyneton Aero Club

    Aircraft Insurance Considerations

    Big Dolts agile

    KAC Member, Mike Dalton, will discuss the many issues and pitfalls around insuring your aircraft, including real world scenarios of how things can and do go wrong.

    Michael Dalton - General Manager Agile Aviation Underwriting Services
    Michael has 23 years insurance experience, specialising in aviation underwriting. With extensive experience writing risks in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific he has written policies across the entire aviation industry including airline, manufacturing, airports and general aviation. Mike has held underwriting and management positions at key aviation insurance providers both in the corporate world and in more boutique aviation specialist underwriting agencies and has a strong customer focus.
    Mike is a licenced pilot holding a Commercial Pilots Licence and RAAus Pilot Certificate in Australia along with an Airline Transport Pilots Licence in the USA. He has held management positions at one of Australia's largest Aero Clubs as well as holding his own Air Operators Certificate for passenger carrying charter operations. He currently owns and operates a small collection of vintage aircraft and has flown in excess of 50 different general aviation aircraft types

    General Meeting starts at 1900; Mike's Presentation at 2000 to be followed by Supper, all Members and Guests most welcome.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Aero Club

    Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for their 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”
    Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
    $10 gets you:
    • Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
    • Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
    • Cake
    * Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton

    All profits from this monthly fundraiser are proudly in support of:
    RMH Neuroscience Foundation.hotdog

  • Mon
    Kyneton Aero Club

    Pilot Approved Maintenance (Schedule 8)  - Joint Presentation by CASA & Transaero

    transaero logo

    Please note the 18:30 start time, the presentation will cover both the Regulatory aspects and practical hands-on aspects of those items of Pilot Approved Maintenance allowed under Schedule 8. A light supper will be served following the presentation; as usual guests are most welcome.

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    Kyneton Airfield 1503 Kyneton-Metaclafe Rd Kyneton 3444

    Kyneton AvSafety Seminar


    The Kyneton Aero Club is pleased to again team with CASA to host an Aviation Safety Seminar - "Lessons for Life"

    These Seminars have proved to be extremely popular and have provided invaluable insights to aviators, be they recreational or professional, to help improve the safety of our operations.

    A free BBQ dinner will be provided at 1730; with the Seminar running from 1830 - 2030.

    Registration is essential at:

    The Kyneton Aero Club and CASA hope you can join us for this event, guests are also most welcome.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444

    Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”
    Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
    $10 gets you:
    • Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
    • Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
    • Cake
    * Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton

    The April Fly-in is the 1st Anniversary of this event being held to support to the RMH Neuroscience Foundation, so let's make this a special one and see just how much we can raise.

  • Mon
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444



    The introduction of Pt61 has increased the requirements for underpinning knowledge, not just demonstrated skills, in a number of areas; including Aerobatic Endorsements. Many Pilots achieved their Aerobatic training prior to the formal requirement for underpinning knowledge being introduced and perhaps with little or no theory component. With 40% of the Aircraft based at Kyneton Airfield being capable of Aerobatics this highlights the need to revisit this aspect and to discuss issues such as aerodynamics, structural loads, and human factors/physiology as they apply to the Pilot and Airplane conducting Aerobatics.

    As usual, guests are most welcome, the session will be presented by KAC President, Warren Canning, and will follow the General Meeting and conclude with Supper.

  • Sun
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444



    Our first full Working Bee for the year will be held on Sunday 06 May to ensure the Airfield is looking in top shape prior to our "Cancer Council Australia's Biggest Morning Tea"; being held 2 weeks later.

    This is a great opportunity to enjoy some comradery with fellow Club Members, a BBQ lunch, a reduction in Airfield Access Fees for those with a YKTN based aircraft, and to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the Airfield we all enjoy.

    The Maintenance Sub-Committee is preparing a Task List so please advise them at of anything you are aware of that needs attention. Prior to the Working Bee the Task List will be promulgated to help determine what tools etc would be valuable for you to bring along on the day.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    The Kyneton Aero Club is pleased to again be hosting a Cancer Council - Australia's Biggest Morning Tea Fly-in; over the previous 8 years the Club has raised in excess of $35,000 for this worthwhile cause.

    Everyone is welcome on Saturday 19 May between 1000 and 1230; we are hoping for a great turn up of interesting aircraft so bring the family along and see some great flying machines, enjoy a cuppa and cake with other members of the local community and help us do our bit towards a cancer free future.

    Donations can be made on the day or at:


  • Mon
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444



    Dick Gower is a highly experienced Flying Instructor and owner of a DH Chipmunk; he has taught countless Pilots the necessary skills and underpinning knowledge to safely operate tailwheel aircraft. Some of our Members will have seen Dick's presentation on the subject at an Antique Aircraft Association of Australia Fly-in a few years back, those that did will recall how insightful and entertaining it was. Therefore, the KAC is extremely pleased that Dick has agreed to present on this topic at our May meeting, which is of particular relevance to KAC given 50% of the aircraft based at YKTN are tailwheel. As usual, guests are most welcome, and supper will be served following Dick's presentation.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Following a 2 month hiatus through the worst of the Winter flying weather (we hope) our increasingly popular RMH Neuroscience Foundation "Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-in" will recommence on Saturday 01 September; what better way to celebrate the arrival of Spring!

  • Mon
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Following a Winter hiatus the Club's General Meetings will commence again on Monday 17 September from 1830 - 1930.

    Following the General Meeting, Kyneton Aero Club and SAAA CH20 member, Norm Edmunds, will provide a presentation (1930 - 2130) on building an Experimental Aircraft in Australia, including the process and Pt 21 compliance to be followed to ensure your project will able to be flown at the end of the building journey.

    As usual, guests are very welcome; the Presentation will be followed by a light supper.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Our 1st Saturday of the Month - RMH Neuroscience Foundation "Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-ins" kicked off again in September after a short Winter hiatus and drew a great crowd and a number of very generous donations; resulting in $477 being raised for this very worthwhile cause.

    We are hoping that with improving weather the number of aircraft flying in will increase and more fellow aviation enthusiasts and their family and friends will join us; we look forward to seeing you there!

    $10 gets you:
    • Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
    • Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
    • Cake
    * Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton

  • Mon
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    The Club's October General Meeting commences at 1830 on Monday the 15th.

    Following the General Meeting, David Pilkington, a highly experienced Aeronautical Engineer, Aerobatic Competition and Display Pilot, and Flying Instructor will provide a presentation (1930 - 2130) on LOC-I:

    Loss of Control In-flight (LOC-I) remains one of the most significant contributors to fatal accidents worldwide. LOC-I in the GA context refers to accidents where the PIC was unable to maintain control of the aircraft, resulting in an unrecoverable deviation from the intended flight path.

    LOC-I is one of the most complex accident categories, involving numerous contributing factors that act individually or, more often, in combination.

    Reducing this accident category is best achieved through understanding the causes and possible intervention strategies; in the GA training context this is referred to as Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). David’s talk will cover such topics as:

    • stats - why UPRT is extremely important to us;
    • from the NTSB safety roadshow at Oshkosh 2018 - with the FAA, UND, AOPA and Patty Wagstaff - the whole gamut of what the USA is doing, with a focus on pilot training per Patty;
    • new from the FAA in 2017 is their revised Airplane Flying Handbook - Chapter 4 has been rewritten - formerly "Slow Flight, Stalls and Spins" - it is now "Maintaining Aircraft Control: Upset Prevention and Recovery Training";
    • application in CPL flight training - CAE Oxford's UPRT course;
    • CASA's Part 61 RPL syllabus and the CASA Flight Instructor Manual- slow flight, stalls and incipient spins;
    • what new pilots can do to top up their basic training; and
    • what other pilots can do to enhance their skills - perhaps as part of a Flight Review.

    As usual, guests are very welcome; the Presentation will be followed by a light supper.

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444

    Don't Forget the AGM this coming Saturday

  • Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”; with the Winter weather on the way out this will be a great way of celebrating the first day of Spring.
    Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
    $10 gets you:
    • Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
    • Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
    • Cake
    * Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton

  • Sun
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    The Club's Spring Working Bee to ensure the Airfield is in great shape heading into the best of the Flying weather - please put it in your diary and look out for an update in the Club Newsletter with more details of tasks and what to bring along.

  • Mon
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444

    This is the last of our General Meetings for the year, with the Xmas Party taking the place of the December Meeting.your-club-needs-you

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Why not join the Kyneton Aero Club for our 1st Saturday of the Month “Gourmet Hot Dog Fly-In”; with the Winter weather on the way out this will be a great way of celebrating the first day of Spring.
    Talk to local Pilots and Aircraft Owners, view some great classic through to modern aircraft, and maybe spend some time visiting other attractions in the picturesque Macedon Ranges
    $10 gets you:
    • Gourmet Hot Dog with all the fillings*
    • Soft Drink or Tea/Coffee
    • Cake
    * Local Bratwurst Sausages from Sizzlin Sensations Kyneton

  • Sat
    Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444


    Members and Guests are invited to join in the Christmas spirit with a family friendly catered lunch at the Clubrooms on Saturday 15 December. For catering purposes please RSVP with names and number of guests to by Monday 10 December.

Enjoying a stopover on a scenic flight from Kyneton Airfield.
One of the many Cancer Council “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea” Fly-ins held at Kyneton Airfield