Event Information:
Mon21Oct20191930-2130Kyneton Airfield - 1503 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road Kyneton VIC 3444
Human Factors for the General Aviation Pilot
Jetstar Pilot and Macedon Ranges local John Smart will talk about how professional Airline crews are trained and assessed in their Non-Technical Skills and Human Factors every year, and at every simulator session. Like airline pilots, Private and General Aviation pilots should always strive to be “professional” pilots, and as such should continually update their skills and knowledge.
In aviation accidents and incidents worldwide, 80% of these are caused in some way by human factors. John's talk will centre around 3 of the major non-technical skills all pilots should continually work on. These are Communication, Management and Situational Awareness. He will look into case studies where human Factors were contributing factors, look at some of the theory behind these skills, and put forward some “tools for the toolbox” that pilots can use not only in their flying lives, but in their personal lives as well.
As usual, guests are most welcome and John's presentation will be followed by a light supper.