Event Information:
Mon15Jan2018Kyneton Aero Club
Aircraft Insurance Considerations
Aircraft Insurance Considerations
KAC Member, Mike Dalton, will discuss the many issues and pitfalls around insuring your aircraft, including real world scenarios of how things can and do go wrong.
Michael Dalton - General Manager Agile Aviation Underwriting Services
Michael has 23 years insurance experience, specialising in aviation underwriting. With extensive experience writing risks in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific he has written policies across the entire aviation industry including airline, manufacturing, airports and general aviation. Mike has held underwriting and management positions at key aviation insurance providers both in the corporate world and in more boutique aviation specialist underwriting agencies and has a strong customer focus.
Mike is a licenced pilot holding a Commercial Pilots Licence and RAAus Pilot Certificate in Australia along with an Airline Transport Pilots Licence in the USA. He has held management positions at one of Australia's largest Aero Clubs as well as holding his own Air Operators Certificate for passenger carrying charter operations. He currently owns and operates a small collection of vintage aircraft and has flown in excess of 50 different general aviation aircraft typesGeneral Meeting starts at 1900; Mike's Presentation at 2000 to be followed by Supper, all Members and Guests most welcome.