Event Information:
Sat08Oct201622:00Kyneton Air Field
Its clearly going to take an "army" of members and volunteers to assist us in cleaning up and preparing the air field for the up coming "Kyneton Airshow". The return of the spring rains has seen both the grass bouncing out of the ground and has also prevented us from carrying out any routine maintenance.
"And that's why we need you"!
Signup now for the Kyneton Aero Club Working Bee
October 8th & 9thWe have enlisted the services of the Kyneton & Woodend Rotary "Army" to help us fight the battle. Members who are able to help out please be ready to take action on the weekend by bringing basic hand tools, mowers, paint brushes, mowers, shovels, ride on mowers etc.
A BBQ lunch will be provided on both days by the club catering corp at the KAC mess for all troops.
Any issue or concerns then please contact the OIC officer in charge of YKTN maintenance Warren Canning at
"And together we will mow to victory"!!