Sat23Mar2013Kyneton Aero Club
The Woodend Scout's will be attending the Kyneton Aero Club for a day of actives
Mon15Apr2013Kyneton Aero Club
The next Kyneton Aero Club committee meeting will commence at 1900 Hrs.
Followed at 2000 Hrs by the general members. -
Sun05May2013Kyneton Aero Club
The half yearly working bee will be held on Sunday the 5th of May from 09:00. More details to come.
Sat18May2013Kyneton Aero Club
Transaero, in association with the Kyneton Aero Club and Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia, will host Australia's Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for the Cancer Council of Victoria. Once again the event will be held at Kyneton Airfield with the generous assistance of the Kyneton Aero Club.
Aviators are encouraged to fly-in to Kyneton to enjoy morning tea in the hangar. All we ask in return is that you make a donation to the Cancer Council.
Non-flyers are also most welcome; the Airfield is on Kyneton-Metcalfe Rd just north of the Kyneton township. There is plenty of parking and it is a great opportunity to see a huge range of aircraft up close. The event is a perfect opportunity for Macedon Ranges locals to visit the Kyneton Airfield and enjoy morning tea while supporting a worthy cause.
Fly-in visitors will apreciate two runways and plenty of parking on the grass. See the ERSA entry for fly-neighbourly advice, and visit the Aeroclub website for more information
This event would make a great destination for car and motorbike club outings, as well as Aero Clubs. If you have a group you would like to bring, please contact Kim and advise expected numbers so we can ensure there is enough food.
Mon20May2013Kyneton Aero Club
The next Kyneton Aero Club committee meeting will commence at 1900 Hrs.
Followed at 2000 Hrs by the general members. -
Mon17Jun2013Kyneton Aero Club
The next Kyneton Aero Club committee meeting will commence at 1900 Hrs.
Followed at 2000 Hrs by the general members. -
Mon15Jul2013Kyneton Aero Club
The next Kyneton Aero Club committee meeting will commence at 1900 Hrs.
Followed at 2000 Hrs by the general members. -
Sat27Jul2013Contact Steve Edmonds for details.
This is the time of the year when many members commit themselves to doing a little “hangar flying” to avoid the ravages of the winter weather. Maintenance, touch ups, improvements, rebuilds and projects are being done however away from Kyneton Airfield it’s hard to see what pilots are up to while in hibernation.
There have always been rumours about “Spitfires” in sheds, “Tigermoth’s” being rebuilt, “Winjeels” thought to be lost for all time but only to re-emerge after many winters and hours of work. With this in mind a number of the members of the Kyneton Aero Club have suggested that this time of the year could be a great opportunity to visit some of our members sheds to look at what is happening behind closed doors.
To get the ball rolling, long time member and significant contributor to the Australian Warbird fraternity Ian Whitney has invited members to take a look at his workshop and the progress he has been making on a number of projects including his Wirraway & P40 Kittyhawk.
Scheduled to take place on the taking place on Saturday 27th July at 12pm in Romsey, those members interested in attending should let me know if you wish to attend.
Steve Edmonds
Vice President – Kyneton Aero Club or 0409 256 516
Tue20Aug2013Kyneton Aero Club
Due to the CASA AvSafety Seminar being held on Tuesday the 20th of August, the next Kyneton Aero Club committee meeting will commence at 18:30 Hrs.
Kyneton Aero Club
CASA will be visiting Kyneton Aero Club to present the latest series of AvSafety Seminars. This event will cover many of the legislation changes happening in the coming months.
Pizza dinner will be provided from 7PM, the seminar will begin at 7.30PM.
Sat14Sep2013Sun15Sep2013Maryborough VIC
The Old Aviators Flying Museum is inviting all those passionate about aviation or classic cars to join the museum for the First Annual “Wings & Wheels” weekend at Maryborough Aerodrome in Victoria’s Central Goldfields. In a joint initiative with the Austin 7 Car Club, Central Goldfields Shire Council and the Old Aviators Flying Museum the event will be held on the weekend of 14 & 15 September 2013.
“Wings & Wheels” will provide a unique opportunity for aviators to attend a fly-in where aeroplanes are not the sole attraction. Historic cars will be on display, and a Historic Car Sprint will be held on the main runway on Sunday. There will be opportunities to tour “The Old Aviators Flying Museum” for the first time since its closure in January 2012.
Tours of local attractions will also be available on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning for visitors who wish to see more of the local attractions than the aerodrome.
Our very own Kyneton based team from “Adventure Flights Unlimited” will be displaying the Yak52 with a few runs across the township to promote the event. However we hoping that with further assistance of the members from the Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia and others yet to be confirmed we will be able to make this a great day for everyone interested in getting involved.
To run such a large event it is hoped that members of the Kyneton Aero Club will be able to assist in making this a great day out. If you are interested in getting involved in supporting the event on the day then please contact Kim Skyring at Transaero on 0418 100 028 with any enquiries.
Updated information will be posted on the website which is currently being established. For local information and accommodation then please visit for options.
Fri27Sep2013To Be Advised
The Annual General Meeting of the Kyneton Aero Club will be held in conjunction with a Wings Night to recognise members who have achieved milestones throughout the year.
Mon21Oct2013Kyneton Aero Club
The KAC Committee meeting will be held at 19:00 followed by a general member's meeting at 20:00.
Sun03Nov2013Kyneton Aero Club
In preparation for all the events coming up, the Spring Working Bee will be held on Sunday the 3rd of November. The “to do” list as well as further details for the day will be sent out in the next week. As usual, if you are unable to attend on the day, details will be provided about tasks to be done and who to contact to confirm they have been completed.
Sat09Nov2013Kyneton Aero Club
The Macedon Ranges Shire Council along with Essential Economics will be hosting a public consultation day at Kyneton Airfield as part of the Council's economic development study into the future of the airfield.
Join members of the club and the local community for a BBQ and Q&A session with the consultants.
Sun10Nov2013Kyneton Aero Club
On Sunday the 10th of November, Kyneton Aero Club will once again be hosting dozens of families with children and teenagers touched by a life changing illness or other adversity.
Members of the Club will be volunteering their time and their aircraft to take these special children and their families for joy-flights around the Macedon Ranges area.
This year's event will see more local involvement with St Luke's Anglicare and Cobaw Community Health participating along with the CREATE Foundation, The Aussie Hands Foundation and Very Special Kids.
Members of the public are more than welcome to join us on the day and see the life changing experience that the gift of flight can bring.
Pilots intending to fly and carry passengers are required to register on the FunFlight website, this is the link to the registration page:
Mon18Nov2013Kyneton Aero Club
A Special General Meeting of the Kyneton Aero Club is to be held at 8PM on Monday the 18th of November 2013. The purpose of this meeting is to propose a special resolution to accept the proposed “Rules of the Kyneton Aero Club”.
The proposed new rules are in response to the Victorian Government’s replacement of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 with the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 which came into effect on 26 November 2012. This new Act incorporated significant more rules than the previous Act and also included a thorough template of Model Rules for an Incorporated Association.
A copy of the proposed rules can be obtained from the President. Contact via email
Sat07Dec2013Kyneton Aero Club
With the success of last year’s Christmas party, the 2014 KAC Christmas Party will once again be held on a Saturday lunchtime to enable and encourage as many of you as possible to attend with your family.