Landing Permission Remember to register below for Landing Permission at YKTN, by doing so you acknowledge that you have read and will comply with the Operational Requirements within ERSA and under the “YKTN Airfield Information” tab. Landing Permission (PPR) *All fields are requiredName* First Last Email** PostcodeLocal Time (24hr)* : HH MM Date** DD slash MM slash YYYY Registration/Callsign*Aircraft Type* ALERT! Due to operational restrictions at YKTN your request to operate will not be approved, please contact to discuss your request for permission to use YKTN in further detail.Do you intend to conduct circuits or a touch and go?* Yes No ALERT! LANDING PERMISSION DENIED. Visiting ACFT are not to conduct multiple training or practice circuits at any time, visiting aircraft operations at the airfield are limited to singular circuit procedure for ARR or DEP only.Is this a Training Flight or being conducted as part of a Training or Flight Test Exercise?* Yes No ALERT! LANDING PERMISSION DENIED. No flying training operations of any kind, including circuits, emergency drills and precautionary search runs, are permitted other than those conducted under the direct supervision of the Kyneton Aero Club. Intentions:*Agreement* I have read and will comply with the Operational Requirements within ERSA and under the “YKTN Airfield Information” tab, and I acknowledge that despite being given permission to operate I am ultimately responsible for ensuring the facilities and conditions are suitable and serviceable for my use. Verification