YKTN Airfield Information


1. Grass surfaces to the East of the RWY 18/36 outer Gable/Cone line are unserviceable and must not be used.

2. The gravel area to the North of RWY 18/36 is unserviceable and must not be used.

3. Animal hazard exists, including, but not limited to, Kangaroos, Sheep, Goats and Birds.

Kyneton Airfield (YKTN) is owned by the Macedon Ranges Shire Council and managed by the Kyneton Aero Club. Visiting aircraft and pilots are always welcome, please check ERSA, NOTAMS and the information below.

For non-members, prior permission is required to use the airfield. This is to ensure that pilots have visited this page and understand our operational and fly-neighbourly requirements. Use for flying training by other organisations is not permitted and we limit access for very noisy aircraft. Our Landing Permission form is here.

An exception is made for police, fire, search and rescue, other emergency services and infrastructure-monitoring organisations when the need arises.

The clubhouse is locked when not in use however, toilet facilities remain accessible. YKTN is about 3 km from town, though there may be no taxi service available.

AVGAS is available 24/7 via a self-service bowser. Payment is via the iOR Aviation tag for account holders or via the free ‘FuelCharge’ App available for IOS and Android. There are no Credit Card or EFTPOS facilities available.

A visitor parking area is located on the grass to the South of the Aero Club building and to the West of the Run-up Bay and is clearly signed. The area to the North of the AVGAS bowser is reserved for Kyneton based aircraft. Parking fees may apply for extended stays. Full details of Airfield Access fees are available here

The Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s Kyneton Airfield Operations Manual is available at: https://www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/files/assets/public/v/5/see-amp-do/our-facilities/our-venues/kyneton-airfield-operations-manual.pdf

It is a requirement that all Pilots and Aircraft Owners, whether visiting or based at, the Kyneton Airfield, make themselves familiar with, and abide by, this Operations Manual.

Weather Station and Cameras

Our weather station is updated every 15 minutes however if offline, the closest alternative weather station is here.

Operational and Safety Information for pilots (ERSA)

The primary information source for visitors is ERSA.

Current ERSA entry is available at: https://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/aip.asp

Supplementary Operational and Safety Information in addition to ERSA

  1. As YKTN is not a Certified or Registered Aerodrome, all pilots must determine suitability of the Airfield for their aircraft and weather conditions. Particularly note the DA on hot days with the elevation of 1,650 feet runway lengths available.
  2. YKTN has two runways – RWY18-36 of 703m TORA (bitumen), and RWY09-27 645m TORA to the East. Due to a displaced threshold and nearby roadway, RWY09 has a LDA of 599m.
  3. Pilots operating RWY27 must consider the 645m runway length, DA, surface conditions, upslope to the West, and possible tall trucks on the roadway, when determining if there is a safe TORA to operate on this RWY.
  4. Extreme caution should be exercised when operating RWY09 or RWY18 as there is a conflict risk at the intersection of these 2 RWYS due to Hangar buildings and RWY slopes obstructing vision of other operating aircraft; particularly during takeoffs. Similarly, the hump in RWY18 may obscure aircraft at the far Northern end, and about to takeoff, from pilots at the 3 Taxiway entry points to RWY18 for backtracking. Therefore, pilots should ensure they maintain situational awareness of traffic movements, monitor radio calls, and broadcast their intentions, prior to entering and operating from any RWY at YKTN.
  5. RWY 36 is preferred in nil-wind conditions to minimise traffic over town.
  6. Beware of significant windshear on short final to RWY 18, associated with moderate to strong winds, due to trees on the northern boundary.
  7. Taxiways are gravel, therefore please avoid high taxi power settings and the associated dust and erosion of the taxiways. Please run-up a good distance into the run-up bay to avoid erosion due prop wash.
  8. Avoid use of grass runway on days of Total Fire Ban.
  9. Activation of airfield lighting requires the standard 3 x 1 second pulses and will remain activated for 30 minutes. Pilots conducting NVFR operations need to make allowances for a Tree Plantation on the Northern boundary of the Airfield, Powerlines approximately 450m South of the RWY36 Threshold, trees infringing the OLS on APR to RWY36, and high terrain to the East of the Airfield.
  10. No Night Circuits are permitted at YKTN.
  11. No Straight-in approaches permitted on RWY36
  12. Visiting aircraft are not permitted to perform Touch & Go manourvres or emergency drills.

Fly Neighbourly Noise Abatement Policy

The Fly Neighbourly Policy referred to in ERSA, protects noise sensitive areas near the airfield as set out in the diagram below. Please avoid these noise sensitive areas and, subject to operational and safety requirements, comply with the preferred circuit patterns.

Please avoid using high power settings when operating below 1000′ near these noise sensitive areas