Sat05Jun2021Kyneton Airfield , 1505 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
With the most recent COVID-19 Lockdown expected to last until at least Thursday 03 June and the uncertainty of any possible extension or further restriction we have taken the regrettable decision to cancel the June Fly-in.
Mon21Jun2021Kyneton Airfield , 1505 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
- Dangers of flying into IMC as a VFR pilot
- Flight Planning
- En route decision making
The Kyneton Aero Club is very pleased to again be teaming with CASA to help improve aviation safety through CASA's excellent AvSafety Seminar Series.
Light refreshments will be served from 1730 and again at the conclusion of the Seminar; which starts at 1830.
Please note that due to strict COVID-19 attendance limits registrations are now closed; confirming for those that have Registered the event is going ahead - see you there.
Sat07Aug2021Thu30Sep2021Kyneton Airfield , 1505 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
Under its Air Operators Certificate the Kyneton Aero Club has been trialing a new indigenously manufactured survey capability, these trials have been deemed as a high priority program by the sponsoring agency. This work will continue in the current lockdown under an exemption. Therefore, residents of Kyneton and surrounds may see the Club's aircraft flying in the vicinity of the Airfield and Township during the lockdown and should be aware this is a legitimate exempt activity.
Sun14Nov2021Kyneton Airfield , 1505 Kyneton-Metcalfe Road, Kyneton VIC 3444
This year's Kyneton Aero Club AGM will be held in conjunction with the Spring Working Bee during the lunch break from maintenance tasks.